[info headline="Info"]Estamos modernizando el diseño del BLOG, remozándolo para presentar el mejor aspecto posible y un uso más cómodo; así que disculpa cualquier inconveniente que puedas encontrar. Agradecemos cualquier sugerencia de mejora, por supuesto.
El resto del contenido de esta página es un placeholder para mantener el estilaje más a mano. Perdón por eso.
Bienvenido al BLOG.
Hemos pasado mucho. En la infancia nos llamamos astutamente "Mi Papyre Reader para Libros Electrónicos" y eramos el frontoffice del foro BBS perrosysabuesos.com de augusto recuerdo.. En la época anterior a los canales sociales, sobrepasar el Millón y medio de visitas, no está mal.
Así se definía:
dico suas erant. Pri at purto verterem. Pri wisi mutat nonumes no, habeo etiam alterum eos ex, ad pri quot dolorem repudiare.
For easier maintaining of the blog posts copy and paste the markup included into template (view post-format.html file) into Formatting field under Setting tab in Blogger. Your posts will automatically appear formatted and will look identically to the blog posts structure shown on this template.
Underneath, there is a set of pre-formatted elements which you might find useful in your further work on your Blogger based site. Simply copy and paste the markup of selected element and locate any of those blocks on your posts pages or static pages. All these elements are styled and you can find corresponding styles in main stylesheet under Extras Styles.
To preserve the resizability of embedded video keep the markup as it is shown above. Credit: video “The Saints Are Comingâ€, performed by Von Thronstahl.
Así se definía:
“Lo que debes saber sobre mis lectores electrónicos (e-readers) Papyre 6.1, Papyre ALEX y Booq AVANT para disfrutar al máximo de la lectura de libros electrónicos en su formato ePUB (y en los demás: PDF, FB2, EPUB,...) más comunes.”
Cambiamos muchas veces de piel; he incluso de nombre a:
Mis ϵPuƃs, mis ϵBooкs, mis ϵЯҽadҽяs
Metimos el BLOG en el congelador, esperando tiempos mejores. Y, coincidiendo con el décimo aniversario, hemos renacido en esta versión X.
Mantenemos la misma filosofía desde el comienzo: hablar de las cosas que nos interesan.
Mantenemos la misma filosofía desde el comienzo: hablar de las cosas que nos interesan.
Mejoras pendientes
- Canalaes Sociales
- Conexión con el FEED para publicación automática
- Consolidfación y reducción del número de TAGS de los posts para relacionarlas cpon los grnades "Temas"
- Manchetas para el acceso a los "Temas".
- Recuperación de la VIralidad: Etiquetas de marcado, Tarjetas inteligentes.
- Creación y conexión con un campus virtual.
dico suas erant. Pri at purto verterem. Pri wisi mutat nonumes no, habeo etiam alterum eos ex, ad pri quot dolorem repudiare.
Full width image
Template full screenshot |
YouTube Video
Text with links, bold and strong text
Id mandamus reprimique eam, ei has meliore singulis, his viris affert adipiscing te. Te est erant ancillae instructior, mazim accusam eum ne, an officiis disputationi nam. Et probo erroribus mei, quem stet mucius ei sea. Nam ei aperiam adipisci definiebas. Facilisi gloriatur dissentiet at his, no dicant animal quaeque est. Sit cu elitr mentitum, ex rebum delicatissimi quo. Ad usu nullam principes laboramus, ea has sumo latine aperiri, et nam ancillae suavitate.
Unordered list
- First item
- Second item
- Third item
Ordered list
- First item
- Second item
- Third item
Dicit nusquam interpretaris ad has. Ne qui inermis vulputate signiferumque. Nam vocibus apeirian ad. Vel accusam consequat scriptorem ad. Eos eu delicata similique repudiandae, et tation recteque referrentur his. Cu vim melius tamquam facilisi.
Always edit posts in Edit HTML mode if you wish to keep the visual accuracy of your blog posts and semantics of the code. Remember, Google loves clean semantic code and well-written code is an important term of good SEO.For easier maintaining of the blog posts copy and paste the markup included into template (view post-format.html file) into Formatting field under Setting tab in Blogger. Your posts will automatically appear formatted and will look identically to the blog posts structure shown on this template.
Underneath, there is a set of pre-formatted elements which you might find useful in your further work on your Blogger based site. Simply copy and paste the markup of selected element and locate any of those blocks on your posts pages or static pages. All these elements are styled and you can find corresponding styles in main stylesheet under Extras Styles.
This is h2 heading
This one is smaller, h3 heading
Pay attention: there are two types of h2 heading, and once you want to use the specific one from the above you should nest it into section tag, otherwise it will adopt styles of another type of this heading. Note: h1 requires .greyline to be put above the heading itself.Resizable video
Misinterpretation by ignorants of Von Thronstahl’s music is always caused just by its visual and verbal controversy. Nothing more.
Message Boxes
Message text should be written here
Message text should be written here
Message text should be written here
Long quote
“Mea fabellas intellegat complectitur in, pri at purto verterem. Pri wisi mutat nonumes no, habeo etiam alterum eos ex, ad pri quot dolorem repudiare. Mei cu dico suas erant. Pri at purto verterem. Pri wisi mutat nonumes no, habeo etiam alterum eos ex, ad pri quot dolorem repudiare.”
short quote
Pri wisi mutat nonumes no, habeo etiam alterum eos ex, ad pri quot dolorem repudiare.
Image gallery
Why it is premium?
Majority available on web Blogger templates is free and majority of free templates is poorly designed, badly coded and ineffectively structured. Premium templates have no such faults. Besides, premium templates have variety of features which free template never offers. Check below the list of features this very template includes and explore thoroughly live demo site.Variety of features and options
- Written in html5 and featuring wide spectre of css3 values
- Calculated in relative units: percents and ems
- Fits any screen resolution (on mobile devices view template via native Blogger mobile version)
- Resizable layout and resizable elements (images, videos, blocks of content, contact form etc)
- Sliding full-screen width background images with Ken Burns effect for homepage
- Resizable full-screen width static background image for all pages apart homepage
- Two sliding panels: for search field and audio player
- Custom search
- HTML5 audio player
- Twitter widget
- Google Docs based Contact page
- Variety of well-designed and semantically coded extra elements: message boxes, two types of quotes, two types of image gallery, social icons with rotating effect and more
- Custom archive page
- Well-styled native Blogger widgets: Follow By Email, Popular Posts, Labels
- Disqus comments widget
Files included
- Main xml file
- Variety of css files
- Variety of javascript files
- Variety of html files (post format, static pages)
- Placeholders, web elements–images (jpg, png, psd)
- Extended Help document